Getting Started: Checklist
Welcome to the 28 Days of Fitness Challenge!
If you are in this course, this means that you have goals that are bigger than you. That you are ready to make a change in your life. And that you are willing to put in the work to get the results you desire.
Consistency is your best friend. I’ll be here as your coach. Providing all of your workouts, your meal plan, and Locker Room Sessions once a week to keep you on track. But none of these things will work unless you do.
Remember, you can do this.
Attached is your “Getting Started Checklist” . Use this as a guide to set yourself up for the best results during the next 28 days.
Your checklist covers useful mobile apps to download, helpful equipment to have, and tasks that will get you connected to other Coach Bree Fitness Warriors.
Remember, I will be with you every step of the way.
Now, let’s do this.