Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress
Bonus Workout #1
Workout: Day 4
Beginner: 30-sec Activity 30-sec Rest
Intermediate: 45-sec Activity 15-sec Rest
Advanced: 50-sec Activity 10-sec Rest
Don’t forget to Foam Roll !!!!
Active warm-up:
Knee Pulls
Lunge & Reach
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Side Shuffle
Scorpions (On Back )
Scorpions (On Stomach )
Strength Training:
- Prisoner Squats
- Jumping Jacks
- Half Burpees
- Kneeling Push Ups or Push Ups
- Jumping Jacks
- Hollow Body Crunches
Interval Timer:
Don’t forget to Post Sweaty Photos Stay Motivated.